
well..well...its oifficially my blog..ya dont know why feel happy aja gitu..hehehe..kan boleh dong..ya iyalah masa ngak. but most importnat is that, thanks to fielzha!! and nandra for the blog 101 with nandra..ya gitulah nandra bilangnya...anehh gak ahh..biasa aja...hehehee..happy as always..new blog!! WOHOO!!!lol!

hows today people??fine fine aja kok...belajar and laughing with peoples..ya iyalah masa ama hantu sich...anehh dehh gue...gituuu...and agian nothing special this day...aduhh ..well, cape nehhh harus ngerjain segala macem...banyak gitu HW gue, ya mulai dari bussiness lahh...CAS lahh (chape sichh but i like it, and i have to find info about CHILDREN RIGHT.aduhhh), trus itu aja sich. tapi tetp aja gak enak. but the good thing is that, tomorrow is wednesday, setengah hari !! YESS!!gue seneng yang setengah-setengah!!!aduhh aneh banget sichh!!!chape dehh..

oo iya....sunmpah (mm-nya aja dua.buset. gue tuh eneg banget sesuatu yang berhubungan ama patung, scroll, litearture..cause bukannya gue sebel atau gimana, masa gue tuhhh ada drama and we talk about GREEK theatre gitu...aduhh itu yahh yang namanya ama tempatnya semua bikin gue mau muntah aja!!GILA DEHH!!!aduhhh kenapa sich orang GREEK yang harus pinter, kenapa gak kita aja (as asian), alhh chape dehh..

and one thing.ehh ketemu temen baru.ariani (welcome to madness girl).sari (religion pals, tapi gak nyadar gitu).aduhh aneh lahh.

ya udah dehh gitu aja.thanks filza and nandra for the help.o iya congrats ya eri, seneng gue bisa ngeliat elo ketawa2 gokil.hehehee..!

bye people!WOHOOO!!!

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