
yay akhirnya sunday juga, gak tau dee gue seneng aja gitu, kayaknya if this day is done, i can feel the real holiday blood,that supposed to be rushing to my body that start from wednesday, tapi manaa.ngak ngerasa tuhh.ahahaha, soalnya kalo udah weekdays gitu, kan kayaknya im the most special person gitu, secara I'm having holiday yaaa.ahahahhaa.

the most important concept of holiday, according to chesiy zefanya, is that, how you can get into activities that is out of your routine, which is also THE FREAKIN thing that ngak pernah gue pikirin selama gue mempunyai holiday.agak stupido yaa.udahh lahh.tapi gini, recharging ur life battery along the holiday, it helps you to get through the new term, atau apalah, hal yang bikin elo males sekolah.ahahaha, GOOO HOLIDAY!!! and i cant wait for summer.

oo iyaa, i watched spiderwick yesterday loohh.aduhhh bagus baget, freddie highmore act there, I LOVE HIM!anjrot, dari CHARLIE and THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY, BUT AUGUST RUSH MAKES ME MELT OF HIS ACTING LOO!!huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!aduhhh keren abis dia actingnya,soalnya gini, dia act sama sesuatu yang ngak bisa kita liat pake mata, kan semua itu computer generated, ampunn deee, gue aja yang udah belajar drama berkali2 aja, belon pernah punya sense untuk ngebikin sesuatu yang ngak ada menjadi ada, atau the official term is mimmicking.ahahahaa.

today, hmmmm, mau ngapain yaaa, ngak tau, katanya we go to grany house,YAY!!!FOOD GALORE, kachinggg kachinggg!!, and FYI, i cant wait for the swimming thiny tommorow, cause i have feeling it will be good!!oo yeahhh!!!

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