
hari ini,

yups, udah selasa lagi, meaning 2 weeks kayaknya sii to the first school day, which is somethin that i've been wanting for quite sometimes.anyway, bingung sichh mau ngapain aja for those 2 weeks itu, my internship letter blom ada jawaban, and i getting worried kalo itu akan di reject or whatsoever, bukannya gue berpikiran negatif, tapi antisipasi aja kali yaaa,yaa gitu lah.okayy, dads gone again for bangkok from yesterday, and dia katanya balik besok pagi, but his PA said to me yesterday, kalo bakaln kamis pagi, which something yang ngak mau gue liat, since i dont like kalo dia ngak ada di sekitar rumah, i always felt something missing in the house, that IT thing make the house called a place to live.but anyway, thats just info, yups FYI.

soo, i watched desperate housewife, for my remedy to the boredom of holiday, and it turn out kalo itu addicting and getting juicier after you know in every episode, since there always something that makes us coming back from more, just MARY ALICE YOUNG said, "everyone has their own dirty laundry", well i agree, since the neighbour is seems to be a perfect, but who knows inside every house rite?nothing perfect as it looks on the outside, and thats the lesson i get from watching the tv series, even how you look ourself, you think ur perfect, but actually not.but thats how we motivate our self to do better in life rite?yeahh, for those who've been doing this, just keep going, its good for you.okay, not its sounds weird and like getting somewhere else.

ohhh i dunno, kayaknya gue bingung dee, tapi gue juga ngak tau apaan itu, i mean i felt something is UP,but i just can figure it our what it is?my intuition said it will be somethin bad?!but how should i know if that never happen rite?well i just have to wait and see.

ok then, i need to take shower now,
see you later then, and have a blasting 2 weeks remaining of holiday guys,

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