
imm soo enjoying using SAFARI as my new favorite browser after IE and MOZILLA, okay now its sounds too promoting.hehehehe.since i just download all this updates from MAC, accidently the program is actually appeared to be installed the ITUNES and QUICKTIME, and after like 5 minutes downloading, my lappie shown an icon of SAFARI!woww!!!computer miracle?maybe...

its the 4th day of fasting?!masih ampe ngak ampe sekarang?gue doain truss yahh?!
and im still having soo many revision to do in short time, in which might make me sleep in dawn for the weekend.shood!i hate it!like come on, i have english test on monday, then BIO for tuesday, not to mention all the theory i have to revised for my ECO, TOK, BUS, EUGH!!!screw IB to the hell of the world, for reall for reall...for real!!

nothing happened today, other than our adventure to the SDN Grogol, in which postponed after the closing incident,yesterday afternoon that forced us to go back into the school today.the task is actually easy, delivered the message to principal regarding buka puasa puasa, on 19th September.and you know what, he wasnt there actually today, but there this guy who kind of replace him while the kepala sekolah is away,and btw thank you yaa pak!!

i think that all for now,
hmm, quote of the day might be, "kok making diitung malah makin banyak yaa uangnya?!
~michi!binus school simprug.04.09.08

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