
LOVE LOVE TODAY!!!aduhhh my feeling for a past two days is just happy and happy and kind of full in love.aduhh rama.kena syndrom cinta lagi deh.so anyway, HAPPY AGAIN!!aduhhh i just love love love love and just cant stop say that word!!LOVE PEOPLE LOVE!...ya gitu deh, akhirnya gue bisa deket juga.yes!gue gila!!!hahahaa.gak deng.

not so much thing to say sich, paling diajakin nonton ama si adit the simpson, tapi gak begitu mood juga gue, gak tau kenapa,ya secara besok rabu, pengen cepet pulang aja.WHEEHEHHE!!!gila udah agustus lagi, cepetnya POLL POLL-an dehh.the point is, having so many good thing in every class lahh...well, paling bsok math, tapi gue seneng gitu, gurunya akrhirnya dateng dari NEW YORK.yess bisa belajar dehh..(alahh sok rajin banget sich gue).hehehee.

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