
wahhh sekolah hari ini udah kayak pengungsi gituu dehh, apalagi di lantai 8 gitu.so people, wahts happening is that, we have a special assemebly gitoe, by our principal, and then its regarding the FLOOD that is affecting JAKARTA.well as we all know, there are rains yang ngakn berhenti dari tadi malem, yang causing almsot 20% daerah jakarta terendam and amit2 jabang baby nambah lagii. KETOK KAYU 3x, ..., dan ya gituu dehh, all the people itu di gather biar katanya we got the same message, and EVERYONE SHOULD STAY THERE UNTIL SOMEONE PICKS UP either bu our parents or driver,hahha di quote lohh dari dia langsung.wuihh!

anyway btw, my house is safe btw, ya sukurr dehh, tapi gue turut prihatin yahh pada yang kena bnjir disana.

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