
buang-buangann ahhh!!!

morning people, just finished pack up and done my morning routine.ya iyalah, come on its like 07:31am and i have to get ready for the trip.cape deehh, and i know its not going to be well, no matter how positive mindi have in here.sucks!

daddy, already told me everything last night, kayaknya tuh yaaa, udah dibuang di NY sendirian, sekarang mau dibuang lagi coba di bandung, kenapa siii idup gue penuh dengan buang-membuang.ok, i think its toooo spoiled brat yaaa.ahahahaa.soo what?!tau ahhh elap!

kira2 apa yang enak dimakan di bandung, cause im not that fans of that city siii, biasa aja, damn bored should i say, in the rough way. :)

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