
rite, i promised to made a post yesterday rite.,well, the FRIDAY, or should i say the first day of the long weekend goes sooo OKAY!!, i mean the highlight are, go to senci with ferina for JUMPER MOVIE, and then went to JAVA JAZZ with daddy,ckckkc, gila hari itu udah kayak apa aja buat gue tau ngak sichh.hehehee.

well, the plan buat ke pacific place sich agak mendadak, soalnya gue baru bilang kayak in the morning gitu dee, ehh dikasih dee, wow, i was so surprised lohh.hehehee, tapii ya gitu.we met up di binus, and there's like 20 kids yang dateng and mereka semua ada yang ngerjaoin drama, art, dan physic.clkckckkcc, they really got a EXAM spirit huh?!GOOO KIDS OF BINUZZZZZZZ!!!

ahahaha, so katanya si ferina sich, ngak ada di PS, so we ended up on pacific place kan, ya udah, pas abis, jam 12 gitu shownya, and we got there at about 11:40 gituu lahh, ya udahh makan dee di cafe-nya blitz.yummy!!, ahaha, tapi cause the time is running out, ya udah disuruh kirim ke dalem dee.ahahahaa, keren abis.kayaknya tuhh yaa, pas hari jumat, udah kayak dating gitu tau ngak sich, soalnya cuma berdua.ahahaha, but it WAS REALLY FUN LOOHH!!, i dunno yaahh, jalan dibawah 6 orang itu lebih asik and organize aja daripada ber 10 atau 8 gitu.ahaha, enak abis, bisa lebih intimate u know.ahahaha.

gilaa menn, JUMPER WAS LIKE UNBELIEVABLE ABIS!!ADUHHH!!KEREN POLL!, gue ngak mau spiler warning but yeahh, keren abiss!!WOHOOO!!!

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