
sooo its friday, and that mean ITS CULTURFIC DAYY!!!HOREE!!asikk dee, tadi gue pake batikk gituu tau ngakk sii di skul, keren abis!and im PROUD TO BE INDONESIAN, and personally gue pengen kasih a BIG clap buat 10a, tapi paling special buat yang bikin lhoo, gilaa kalo gue bisa involve di dalam itu, gue bisa belajar banyak banget, buat yang namanya nge-gerakin grup gue, dalam ngejalanin SERVICE PROJECT!!BRAVOO!!!

iyaa jadinya kann gituu, asik aja lho, i mean, this is the first time binus has this kind of thing, meaning to say, in their calendat of academic, sooo its a cool thing to be remembered!!HAHQHAHAHAHAH!!, soo freaking cool, oiooooommmy, i dont even know, how many times i say COOL!.ahahahahaha.ya udahh laaa yaaa!!hehehehee.

current reading :WICKED

oon iyaa, ternytaa the BREAK YP movie ituu lho, keren abiss!!HAHAH!dasar gue baru sekarang gituu nyadar nehh orang!ahahahah!

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