
well, here's some flashnews..

apaa sii judulnya ngak jelas bangett dee, its not really a flash news or whatever, but yeahh it is a news.HOREE!!gue di terima intern di jakarta post, and i have an interview jam 15:30 at the officie, and i have no idea whats gonna happen, sicne katanya gue disuruh bawa laptop, which is a good thing or not?hmmm, yaa udahh lahh..will see.

okeh, di rumah aja nehh, aduhhh ngak jelas mau ngapain, but nonton desperate housewife sii teteupp, kan udah ampe season 2 gituu,ahahaha, episode 6 lagi!YAYY!!!senangnya guee, kayaknya i cant get enough of the that show, since the secret is just reveal on every episode, and yang anehnyanya, masa orang yang gue kira baik ternyata malah ngebunuh orang, yang lead ampe dia bunuh diri coba,hmm kayaknya the show really make a point on everyhting is not as good as is seems.oo well, itu bakal jadi moral of the story yang paling mendasar.

iyaa dee, tuhh show has been eating my brain for this week, ampe gue ngak punya hal buat diomongin lagi daripada tuhh tv series?btw, ada suggestion untuk gue buat tontonan yang baru setelah gue menyelesaikan 4 season dari seriesnya, which bakal makan waktu yang lama.oo well, sebelum itu GUE LAPER!!AHHH!!!masa makan spagethi dikit abiss.hhuuhh, aku mau makan, tapi duitku abiss -.- sebell...

i just talked to fajar and ferina, oo yeah, rama just update a few things on other people life, which is a good thin are'nt ey?
oo wel..im signing off. byeee!

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