
we appreciate your support on earh day and kartini day

wowwww, its been wayyy toooooooo long since i updated my little space around the net.ahahaa, and im sure i had a lot of things to share with u.

anyway, i finally can enjoy my friday, since last week i had to slept ar 1, since doing my video work that due on tuesday,hmmm last minute work,ahahha, i know.but it turn out to be awesomeee.hehehehe.so, school is just getting more pack by day, since exam is coming like soon, very soon.looking for some last minute review?uhhh, not me ofcourse :P

right then, jakarta has been covered in rain within the afternoon these days.idk what's going on with the weather, but seriously its pissed me off.dont u know that, sometimes i need to stayed longer at school because of the rain..-.- soo called a global warming people.

what else, YESS!!!!im in the short cash, like badly.i dont even have like money to buy myself a drink.uu, i need to have a fnancial management.cause, i know if this going nowhere, its very dangerous.yet, i had so many debt to pay, goshhh get me out from this mess pleasee..

this is the most interesting part, our school just held an Earth day and Kartini day on this week.its a blast should i say, since not every year we can celebrate this, sooo hope by having this someone else can continue the legacy of this tradition.

here's a little pict update from me:

busy girls~

thanks guys for signing,

yayy fidelaa!

filza dan opa.

woman's of indonesia

5 sekawan

ini juga 5 sekawan

soo, happy Earth day and Kartini day everyone
its been a splendid for everyone, including the committee ofcourse to had this with all of you.
c u next year, and lets raise our awareness to social issues that happened around us.

doc.hamzah ramadhan, for go green club and student leadership council

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