
so hello people.it bandung!!!yess akhirnya gue bisa juga keluar dari jakarta, for some little refrehing.ya iyalah, gimana ngak, in the last 3 week ini udah agak hectic gitu tau gak sich minggu gue, ya ada aja kerjaannya.well, gitu lah, its hS baby, theres always a new thing in there, and pasti bikin fun ya iyalah.

so i said that before, im in bandung, cause gue nememin my dad to go to his reuni gitu di ITB (institut teknologi bandung), and dia itu angkatan 77, nah tau sendiri kalo gitu temen-temennya, ya udah pada tua2 gimana gitu, anak cucu pasti ada, but it doest makes my day in bandung worst lho!SOO WRONG!!!its ONE HAPPY HELL DAY!gila i love this day, and it just makes me think that this is the bestest weekend i ever had in the last 3 month dude!wohhh!gila dehh..

anyway, tapi ntar malem pulang gitu ke jakarta, ahhhh too bad!bete gue balikhe perjala lagi, ngeliat semua gedung super tinggi dengan all the glamour thing didalemnya.coba disini, gue bisa ngeliat gedung tua gitu,shopping dengan murah itu udah pasti cause lot and lots and LOADS of factory outlet disini.heheheee.ya banyak lah hal lain yang ngak bakal dijelasin, and menjadi reason kenapa gue pengen bisa tinggal di bandung or other places than jakarta!arhgggg!

thanks to dad, for borrowing his laptop for blogging and still need to accompany my dad to the night event in his campus.so. in the end of the day.kapan yahhh gue bisa kayak dia???ADUHHHHHHHH!!!!!2 more years and i will done with school then i can do just like him!WAHOOOO!

bye people, need to go, he wants to go now.sooo see you in jakarta then.lots of love.rama.

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