
waduhhh...gak ngerti gue kenapa ama blog gue.ihh aneh deh.masa kalo dikasih font gede,ntar postnya kayak overlayout gitu.aduhhh gak tau dehh gue.ya udah ntar gue edit.so anyway,chape giue..mau pindahan gitu, jadi yaaa tau sendiri, pindahin barang dari sana ke situ and all this kind of things, and ofcourse makes my head having a headache.alahhhh.i hate moving out from one place to another.

ahh stupid weekend,good monday, but males buat nulis, my inspiration is not coming yet.ya gitu lahhh.and btw, happy birthday to leo for the belated 17 birthday, hope you have a wonderful year this time.alah peduli amat.

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